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Die Frühlingsephemeren und -ephemeroiden und deren Kartierung in der Tschechischen RepublikPDF Abstract
Slavík B.
Preslia 66: 243–253, 1994 -
Diversity of Potamogeton species during 21 years of succession in a new water reservoirPDF Abstract
Krahulec F., Kaplan Z.
Preslia 66: 237–241, 1994 -
Náčrt nelesní vegetace sutí kolinního až montánního stupně České republikyPDF Abstract
Sádlo J., Kolbek J.
Preslia 66: 217–236, 1994 -
Coastal vegetation of the “Birjučij Island” Spit in the Azov Sea, UkrainePDF Abstract
Dubyna D. V., Neuhäuslová Z., Šeljag-Sosonko J. R.
Preslia 66: 193–216, 1994 - PDF Abstract
Interpretation of selected species and nothospecies Polygala names published from Central EuropePDF Abstract
Kirschner J.
Preslia 66: 159–162, 1994 -
Dva noví zástupci rodu Potamogeton ve flóře České republiky: P. polygonifolius a P. × lintonii (P. crispus × P. friesii)PDF Abstract
Nevečeřal P., Krahulec F.
Preslia 66: 151–158, 1994 - PDF Abstract
Zu Vorkommen und Ökologie von Gymnocarpium robertianum in Schutthalden- und FelsspaltengesellschaftenPDF Abstract
Kolbek J., Sádlo J.
Preslia 66: 115–131, 1994 -
Butomus umbellatus-community in the Czech and Slovak RepublicsPDF Abstract
Hroudová Z., Zákravský P.
Preslia 66: 97–114, 1994 -
Floristické poměry ostrůvků teplomilné vegetace v území SZ od ProstějovaPDF Abstract
Trávníček B., Trávníčková V.
Preslia 66: 61–84, 1994 - PDF Abstract
- PDF Abstract
Little known tropical Chroococcus species (Cyanoprokaryotes)PDF Abstract
Komárek J., Novelo E.
Preslia 66: 1–21, 1994 -
Radiocystis fernandoi, a new planktic cyanoprokaryotic species from tropical freshwater reservoirsPDF Abstract
Komárek J., Komárková-Lengerová J
Preslia 65: 355–357, 1993 -
Tiller demography of Festuca rubra in a mountain grassland: seasonal development, life span, and floweringPDF Abstract
Herben T., Krahulec F., Hadincová V., Kovářová M., Skálová H.
Preslia 65: 341–353, 1993 -
Sex ratios in dioecious Rumex tuberosus populations along a successional gradientPDF Abstract
Klimeš L.
Preslia 65: 335–340, 1993 -
Remarks on the karyogeography of Myosotis alpestris in EuropePDF Abstract
Štěpánková J.
Preslia 65: 325–334, 1993 - PDF Abstract
Die Oenothera-Taxa der Flusshäfen an der Elbe-Moldau- und Donau- Wasserstrasse in MitteleuropaPDF Abstract
Jehlík V.
Preslia 65: 303–310, 1993
Showing 621-640 of 2,094 items.