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Galium parisiense - a new alien species for the Czech RepublicPDF Abstract
Kaplan Z. & Řehořek V.
Preslia 70: 51–56, 1998 -
Chromosome number variation in the genus Rubus in the Czech Republic. III.PDF Abstract
Krahulcová A. & Holub J.
Preslia 70: 33–50, 1998 -
Relict serpentine populations of Knautia arvensis s. l. (Dipsacaceae) in the Czech Republic and an adjacent area of GermanyPDF Abstract
Kaplan Z.
Preslia 70: 21–31, 1998 - PDF Abstract
Bromopsis pumpelliana subsp. flexuosa - nová rostlina květeny České republikyPDF Abstract
Krahulec F. & Jiřiště L.
Preslia 69: 359–362, 1997 -
Príspevok k flóre a vegetácii komplexu Jánskej doliny a Ohnišťa v Nízkych TatráchPDF Abstract
Kochjarová J., Marhold K. & Hrouda L.
Preslia 69: 333–358, 1997 -
Ploidy levels in some European representatives of the Suaeda maritima groupPDF Abstract
Krahulcová A. & Tomšovic P.
Preslia 69: 327–332, 1997 -
Verbreitung der Arten von Geranium subgen. Robertium und subgen. Erodioideae in TschechienPDF Abstract
Slavík B.
Preslia 69: 311–326, 1997 -
Chromosome number variation in the genus Rubus in the Czech Republic. II.PDF Abstract
Krahulcová A. & Holub J.
Preslia 69: 289–310, 1997 -
Wiesengesellschaften im südlichen Teil der Talebene Hornomoravský úval (Mittelmähren)PDF Abstract
Balátová-Tuláčková E.
Preslia 69: 253–282, 1997 - PDF Abstract
Names of Potamogeton (Potamogetonaceae) proposed by Bohemian botanists in the period 1819-1902PDF Abstract
Kaplan Z.
Preslia 69: 193–239, 1997 -
Is Vicia faba population affected by parasitism from Orobanche crenata more than by competition from non-parasitic weeds?PDF Abstract
Kovář P., Hassan E. A. & Brabec E.
Preslia 69: 185–190, 1997 -
Variation in autumnal growth of hermaphroditic clones of Glechoma hederacea originating from two geographical regions and two habitatsPDF Abstract
Klimeš L.
Preslia 69: 175–183, 1997 -
Diphasiastrum oellgaardii - a new species in the flora of the Czech RepublicPDF Abstract
Procházka F.
Preslia 69: 169–173, 1997 -
Carex scoparia - a new alien sedge in EuropePDF Abstract
Řepka R., Lustyk P. & Trávníček B.
Preslia 69: 161–168, 1997 -
Seed heteromorphism and plant life cycle: a review of literaturePDF Abstract
Mandák B.
Preslia 69: 129–159, 1997 -
Hieracium decipientiforme (the H. nigrescens group) - an interesting species of the Ukrainian CarpathiansPDF Abstract
Chrtek J. Jr.
Preslia 69: 121–128, 1997 - PDF Abstract
Artemisia austriaca - druh kritický z karyotaxonomického hľadiskaPDF Abstract
Feráková V.
Preslia 69: 95–113, 1997
Showing 541-560 of 2,094 items.