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Leucanthemella serotina (Asteraceae), ein pannonisch-danubialer EndemitPDF Abstract
Slavík B.
Preslia 65: 293–302, 1993 -
Distribution pattern of flora and vegetation in a small industrial town: an effect of urban zonesPDF Abstract
Mandák B., Pyšek P., Pyšek A.
Preslia 65: 225–242, 1993 -
Morfometrie listů Rumex crispus, R. obtusifolius a jejich křížence (R. x pratensis)PDF
Klimeš L.
Preslia 65: 219–224, 1993 - PDF Abstract
Předběžný seznam ohrožených mechorostů České republiky. I. Játrovky (Hepatophyta) a hlevíky (Anthocerotophyta)PDF
Váňa J.
Preslia 65: 193–199, 1993 -
Vegetative tiller allometry and biomass relations in a field population of Festuca rubra s. s.PDF Abstract
Herben T., Krahulec F., Hadincová V., Kovářová M.
Preslia 65: 163–169, 1993 -
The migration of vascular plants to a new water reservoir: geographic relationshipsPDF Abstract
Krahulec F., Lepš J.
Preslia 65: 147–162, 1993 -
Taxonomische Bemerkungen zu einigen mediterranen Potentilla-SippenPDF
Soják J.
Preslia 65: 117–130, 1993 -
Leonurus intermedius, species nova – with additional notes on some other Leonurus taxaPDF Abstract
Holub J.
Preslia 65: 97–115, 1993 -
Rostlinná společenstva alpinského stupně se smilkou tuhou (Nardus stricta) v Hrubém Jeseníku. II. Vztah mezi smilkovými porosty a sněhovou pokrývkouPDF
Klimešová J.
Preslia 65: 63–75, 1993 - PDF Abstract
The distribution of Cardamine amara subsp. opicii (Cruciferae) in the Sudeten mountainsPDF Abstract
Hrouda L., Marhold K.
Preslia 65: 27–32, 1993 -
What do we know about Calamagrostis villosa? A review of the species behaviour in secondary habitatsPDF Abstract
Pyšek P.
Preslia 65: 1–20, 1993 -
Vegetation, microtopography and water table in the Lužnice River floodplain, South Bohemia, CzechoslovakiaPDF Abstract
Prach K.
Preslia 64: 357–367, 1992 -
Growth analysis of the reproductive shoots of Alstroemeria aurea in two contrasting populationsPDF Abstract
Puntieri J. G., Gómez I. A.
Preslia 64: 343–355, 1992 -
The influence of human activities on the vegetation of the subalpine zone of the Monts du Forez (Massif Central, France)PDF Abstract
Schamineé J. H. J., Meertens H.
Preslia 64: 327–342, 1992
Showing 641-660 of 2,094 items.