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Succession in urban habitats: an analysis of phytosociological dataPDF Abstract
Pyšek P., Pyšek A.
Preslia 63: 125–138, 1991 - PDF Abstract
- PDF Abstract
An account of natural hybridization within Luzula sect. Luzula (Juncaceae) in EuropePDF Abstract
Kirschner J.
Preslia 63: 81–112, 1991 - PDF Abstract
Eine unnötigerweise vergessene Art – Trifolium bithynicum Boissier (1849)PDF Abstract
Hendrych R.
Preslia 63: 47–62, 1991 - PDF Abstract
Biomass production and size structure of Calamagrostis villosa populations in different habitatsPDF Abstract
Pyšek P.
Preslia 63: 9–20, 1991 -
Zur Taxonomie und Chorologie von Minuartia orthophylla (Caryophyllaceae)PDF Abstract
Dvořáková M.
Preslia 63: 1–7, 1991 - PDF Abstract
- PDF Abstract
The influence of Calamagrostis villosa on the species diversity of deforested sites in the Krušné hory Mts.PDF Abstract
Pyšek P.
Preslia 62: 323–335, 1990 -
Alpine vegetation of the Králický Sněžník Mts. (The Sudeten Mts.)PDF Abstract
Krahulec F.
Preslia 62: 307–322, 1990 - PDF Abstract
Contribution to the synanthropic flora of the City of Havana (Cuba)PDF Abstract
Jehlík V., Ricardo N.
Preslia 62: 241–246, 1990 -
Ustupující a mizející společenstva svazu Polygonion avicularis na bývalé periferii jihozápadní části PrahyPDF Abstract
Kopecký K.
Preslia 62: 221–239, 1990 -
Sociology of communities invaded by Orthodontium lineare (Bryophyta) in Europe (excl. the British Isles)PDF Abstract
Herben T.
Preslia 62: 215–220, 1990 -
Bylinná synuzie jako indikátor změn abiotického prostředí smrkové monokulturyPDF Abstract
Ambros Z.
Preslia 62: 205–214, 1990 - PDF Abstract
Some taxonomic and nomenclatural changes within Orobanche s.l. (Orobanchaceae)PDF Abstract
Holub J.
Preslia 62: 193–198, 1990
Showing 701-720 of 2,102 items.