Biomass production and size structure of Calamagrostis villosa populations in different habitats
Petr Pyšek 1
- Institute of Applied Ecology, 281 63 Kostelec n. Č. I., Czechoslovakia
Biomass production and size structure of the Calamagrostis villosa populations were studied in three habitats (forest, clearing, and bare spot) in the Krusne hory Mts. The forest population differs from both the others in all production characteristics measured, having lower biomass and higher living biomass / litter and root/ shoot ratios. No significant differences were ascertained between the clearing and the bare spot. Both the density and percentage of flowering tillers were the highest in the clearing population, whereas the highest total tiller density was found in the bare spot. The size of the individual tiller shows a great variation both among- and within-habitats. Variation in the tiller characters and the skewness of tiller weight distribution increase with density. Light is a factor decisive for differences in production and structure of the studied populations of Calamagrostis villosa.
Calamagrostis villosa, deforested sites, biomass production, tiller per-formance, size hierarchy, Krusne hory Mts ., Czechoslovakia
How to cite
Pyšek P. (1991) Biomass production and size structure of Calamagrostis villosa populations in different habitats. – Preslia 63: 9