Trommsdorffia Bernh. 1800 is a validly published generic name

Josef Holub 1


  1. Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, CZ-252 43 Průhonice, Czech Republic



The name Trommsdorffia Bernh. 1800 for a genus of Compositae was validly published with a diagnosis and in connection with a determination key. The homonymous name Trommsdorffia Mart. 1825 for a genus of Amaranthaceae is therefore illegitimate and is substituted here by a new generic name Pedersenia Holub. Seven new nomenclatural combinations are proposed with the new generic name for species of the genus occurring in South and Central America.


Nomenclature, Trommsdorffia Bernh., Trommsdorffia Mart ., Pedersenia gen. novum, new nomenclatural combinatinos, South America

How to cite

Holub J. (1998) Trommsdorffia Bernh. 1800 is a validly published generic name. – Preslia 70: 179182