Articles by Jan Jeník
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Microtopography of subalpine mires in the Krkonoše Mountains, the SudetesPDF Abstract
Jeník J., Soukupová L.
Preslia 64: 313–326, 1992 -
Altitudinal maxima of Tilia platyphyllos and their status in the Sudeten and Western CarpathiansPDF
Jeník J.
Preslia 58: 199–210, 1986 -
Coastal upwelling and distributional pattern of West African vegetationPDF
Jeník J.
Preslia 56: 193–204, 1984 -
A new ardid in the Ecuadorian Andes: Chlorospatha madisoniiPDF
Haager J. R., Jeník J.
Preslia 56: 165–167, 1984 -
"Occurrence of Calamagrostis villosa in the Bieszczady Mts., the Eastern Carpathians"PDF
Jeník J.
Preslia 56: 153–158, 1984 -
Revised flora of Velká Kotlina cirque, the Sudeten Mountains, IIPDF
Jeník J., Bureš L., Burešová Z.
Preslia 55: 123–141, 1983 -
Přehled vyšších vegetačních jednotek České socialistické republikyPDF Abstract
Moravec J., Balátová-Tuláčková E., Hadač E., Hejný S., Jeník J., Kolbek J., Kopecký K., Neuhäusl R., Rybníček K., Vicherek J.
Preslia 55: 97–122, 1983 -
"Revised flora of Velká Kotlina cirque, the Sudeten Mountains, I"PDF
Jeník J., Bureš L., Burešová Z.
Preslia 55: 25–61, 1983 -
Root system of tropical trees 8. Stilt-roots and allied adaptationsPDF
Jeník J.
Preslia 45: 250–264, 1973 -
Root system of tropical trees 7. The facultative peg-roots of Anthocleista nobilis G. DonPDF
Jeník J.
Preslia 43: 97–104, 1971 -
Root system of tropical trees 6. The aerial roots of Entandrophragma angolense (Welw.) C. DC.PDF
Jeník J.
Preslia 43: 1–4, 1971 -
Root system of tropical trees 5. The peg-roots and the pneumathodes of Laguncularia racemosa Gaertn.PDF
Jeník J.
Preslia 42: 105–113, 1970 -
Root system of tropical trees 4. The stilted peg-roots of Xylopia staudtii Engl. et DielsPDF
Jeník J.
Preslia 42: 25–32, 1970 -
Root system of tropical trees 3. The heterorhizis of Aeschynomene elaphroxylon (Guill. et Perr.) Taub.PDF
Jeník J., Kubíková J.
Preslia 41: 220–226, 1969 -
Root system of tropical trees 2. Features of the root system of Iroko (Chlorophora excelsa Benth. et Hook.)PDF
Mensah K. O. A., Jeník J.
Preslia 40: 21–27, 1968 -
Root system of tropical trees 1. Ectotrophic mycorrhizae of Afzelia africana Sm.PDF Abstract
Jeník J., Mensah K. O. A.
Preslia 39: 59–65, 1967 -
Kurzgefasste Übersicht der Theorie der anemo-orographischen SystemePDF
Jeník J.
Preslia 31: 337–357, 1959
Showing 1-20 of 22 items.