Articles by Katarína Skokanová
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Cytogeography of invasive knotweeds (Fallopia sect. Reynoutria) in central Europe: rare aneuploids and evidence for a climatically determined distributionPDF Abstract Appendices
Mereďa P. Jr., Mártonfiová L., Skokanová K., Španiel S. & Hodálová I.
Preslia 95: 241–266, 2023, -
Relative DNA content differences reliably identify Solidago ×niederederi, a hybrid between native and invasive alien speciesPDF Abstract Appendices
Skokanová K., Šingliarová B., Španiel S., Mereďa Jr. P., Mártonfiová L. & Zozomová-Lihová J.
Preslia 94: 183–213, 2022,
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.