Articles by Pavol Eliáš
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Is the seed weight determined by plant size in Verbascum speciosum?PDF
Eliáš P.
Preslia 60: 89–92, 1988 -
Inflácia syntaxónov vyššieho rangu teplomilnej ruderálnej vegetácie: skutočnosť či konfúzia?PDF
Eliáš P.
Preslia 60: 59–71, 1988 -
The association Conyzo-Cynodontetum dactyloni in western Slovakia, CzechoslovakiaPDF
Eliáš P.
Preslia 51: 349–362, 1979 -
Contribution to the ecophysiological study of the water relations of forest shrubsPDF
Eliáš P.
Preslia 51: 77–90, 1979
Showing 1-7 of 7 items.