
Supplementary material for: Vojtěchová et al. (2023)

  • Supplementary Fig. S1. - Results of the redundancy analysis (RDA), testing the morphological differences among four taxonomic groups (predictors), using the same dataset (matrix 3) as in the PCA.
  • Supplementary Fig. S2. - Plants of Allium marginatum Janka from the type locality (locality no. 13, Sucutard near Cluj, Romania).
  • Supplementary Fig. S3. - Lectotype of Allium marginatum Janka, deposited in the herbarium CJ.
  • Supplementary Table S1. - Survey of populations analysed in this study.
  • Supplementary Table S2. - Survey of quantitative and qualitative morphological characters and ratios, and their abbreviations.
  • Supplementary Table S3. - Analysis of molecular variance (three-level AMOVA analysis) of the total dataset (84 individuals) and separate AMOVAs (two-level) for each taxonomic group (genetic cluster).
  • Supplementary Table S4. - Results of flow-cytometry and karyological analyses of the populations studied.
  • Supplementary Table S5. - Absolute genome size (AGS), DNA base content (AT, CG, in %) of selected plants of the taxonomic groups studied.
  • Supplementary Table S6. - Descriptive statistics of all quantitative characters and their ratios (mean±standard deviation; minimum, 10% and 90% quantile, and maximum) for the taxonomic groups, including common di- and rare triploids recorded in A. podolicum and A. marginatum.
  • Supplementary Table S7. - Descriptive statistics of all qualitative characters studied (percentage of each category for each studied categorical variable within each group) for the taxonomic groups, including common di- and rare triploids recorded in A. podolicum and A. marginatum.
  • Supplementary Material S1. - Anatomical structure of the leaf blades of the taxonomic groups studied and the transverse cross section of the leaf of Allium marginatum.