Allium oleraceum and A. vineale in the Czech Republic: distribution and habitat differentiation

Martin Duchoslav 1


  1. Department of Botany, Palackj University, tf. Svobody 26, 771 46 Olomouc, Czech Republic



The distribution and habitat differentiation of Allium oleraceum L. and Allium vineale L. in the Czech Republic based on herbarium material is reported. Both species are documented from rather large number of localities all over the Czech Republic and do not show apparently different large-scale pattern of distribution. The altitudinal range of both species in the Czech Republic is very similar. Both species are concentrated from the colline to submontane belts (200-600 m) but rarely occur also in the montane belt, especially A. oleraceum. Both species occur in a wide range of habitats ranging from rocks and arable fields to forests. Nevertheless, their relative frequencies within respective habitats significantly differ. A. oleraceum frequently occurs in forests (especially in oak-hornbeam forests) and forest edges, on rocks, at field margins, on sunny slopes and in steppe communities. On the other hand, A. vineale is common in arable fields (namely in the past), field margins, roadsides, ditch banks and meadows, but rare on rocks, in forests and scrub. Distribution and habitat differentiation of both species in the Czech Republic is compared with data from other parts of their distribution area. The species’ habitat differentiation is briefly discussed from the point of view of plant traits.


Geophytes, Allium, polyploidy, herbarium material, distribution, ecology, Czech Republic

How to cite

Duchoslav M. (2001) Allium oleraceum and A. vineale in the Czech Republic: distribution and habitat differentiation. – Preslia 73: 173184