Endemic genera of bryophytes of North America (north of Mexico).

Wilfred Borden Schofield 1


  1. Department of Botany, University Boulevard 3529-6270, Vancouver B. C., Canada V6T 1Z4



There are 20 endemic genera of mosses and three of liverworts in North America, north of Mexico. All are monotypic except Thelia, with three species. General ecology, reproduction, distribution and nomenclature are discussed for each genus. Distribution maps are provided. The Mexican as well as Neotropical genera of bryophytes are also noted without detailed discussion.


bryophytes, distribution, ecology, endemic, liverworts, mosses, reproduction, North America

How to cite

Schofield W. B. (2004) Endemic genera of bryophytes of North America (north of Mexico). – Preslia 76: 255277