Primula vulgaris in der Slowakei und in den umliegenden Gebieten

Radovan Hendrych 1


  1. Chvatěrubská 356/116, CZ-181 00 Praha 8, Tschechische Republik



The distribution and ecology of Primula vulgaris Huds. in Slovakia is described. The species migrated via two routes, i.e. the Illyric-Noric and, opposite to that, the Dacian migration route: the localities associated with the latter are in Ukraine, Poland, and Hungary (the Mátra Mts). The examples of other species typical of both migrations are given.


Primula vulgaris, Slovakia, Carpathian Mts, Illyric-Noric and Dacian migrations, Hungary, Ukraine, Poland

How to cite

Hendrych R. (1996) Primula vulgaris in der Slowakei und in den umliegenden Gebieten. – Preslia 68: 135156