Epipactis pseudopurpurata Mereďa, spec. nova (Orchidaceae) – eine neue autogame Sitter-Art aus der Slowakei

Pavol Mereďa 1


  1. Centrum I. 51/15, SK-018 41 Dubnica nad Váhom, Slowakische Republik



A taxon closely related to E. purpurata was found in the western part of the Strážovské vrchy Mountains and described as a new species E. pseudopurpurata Mereďa. Morphological characters distinguishing the new species from E. purpurata are given. The most important diagnostic feature is the structure of the column.


Epipactis pseudopurpurata spec. nova, autogamous Epipactis, West Slowakia

How to cite

Mereďa P. jun. (1996) Epipactis pseudopurpurata Mereďa, spec. nova (Orchidaceae) – eine neue autogame Sitter-Art aus der Slowakei. – Preslia 68: 2329