Some chlorococcal algae (Chlorophyceae) from China

František Hindák 1


  1. Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 14, CS-842 23 Bratislava, Czech and Slovak Federal Republic



Morphological variation of 13 representatives belonging to 6 genera of chlorococcal algae (Chlorophyceae), namely Keratococcus, Monoraphidium, Crucigeniopsis, Botryococcus, Neodesmus and Scenedesmus, were studied on the material from the territory of China. Majority of them have not been probably recorded till now from this country. A new species, Scenedesmus kantonensis Hindák, and a new combination, S. subspicatus Chodat var. crassicaulatus (Hortob.) Hindák, are proposed.


Chlorococcales, Chlorophyceae, Keratococcus, Monoraphidium, Crucigeniopsis, Botryococcus, Neodesmus, Scenedesmus, new species, new combination, China

How to cite

Hindák F. (1992) Some chlorococcal algae (Chlorophyceae) from China. – Preslia 64: 133149