Problematik des Dealpinismus in der tschechoslowakischen Flora

Vladimír Skalický 1


  1. Lehrstuhl für Botanik, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät der Karls-Universität, Benátská 2, 128 01 Praha 2, Tschechoslowakei



In a number of plant species and communities, the term "dealpine" is used incorrectly. However, recent dealpines occur within some meadow species the origin of which requires further examination. Dealpine plants mostly show conspicuous light requirements. Modern taxonomical methods (e.g. karyology) should be used to evaluate the dealpine taxogenesis.


Dealpine, demontane and penalpine species, dealpine taxogenesis, dealpine communities, Czechoslovakia

How to cite

Skalický V. (1990) Problematik des Dealpinismus in der tschechoslowakischen Flora. – Preslia 62: 97102