Volume 65, Issue 4
Pages: 293–357
Leucanthemella serotina (Asteraceae), ein pannonisch-danubialer EndemitPDF Abstract
Slavík B.
Preslia 65: 293–302, 1993 -
Die Oenothera-Taxa der Flusshäfen an der Elbe-Moldau- und Donau- Wasserstrasse in MitteleuropaPDF Abstract
Jehlík V.
Preslia 65: 303–310, 1993 - PDF Abstract
Remarks on the karyogeography of Myosotis alpestris in EuropePDF Abstract
Štěpánková J.
Preslia 65: 325–334, 1993 -
Sex ratios in dioecious Rumex tuberosus populations along a successional gradientPDF Abstract
Klimeš L.
Preslia 65: 335–340, 1993 -
Tiller demography of Festuca rubra in a mountain grassland: seasonal development, life span, and floweringPDF Abstract
Herben T., Krahulec F., Hadincová V., Kovářová M., Skálová H.
Preslia 65: 341–353, 1993 -
Radiocystis fernandoi, a new planktic cyanoprokaryotic species from tropical freshwater reservoirsPDF Abstract
Komárek J., Komárková-Lengerová J
Preslia 65: 355–357, 1993