Volume 65, Issue 2
Pages: 97–169
Leonurus intermedius, species nova – with additional notes on some other Leonurus taxaPDF Abstract
Holub J.
Preslia 65: 97–115, 1993 -
Taxonomische Bemerkungen zu einigen mediterranen Potentilla-SippenPDF
Soják J.
Preslia 65: 117–130, 1993 -
The migration of vascular plants to a new water reservoir: geographic relationshipsPDF Abstract
Krahulec F., Lepš J.
Preslia 65: 147–162, 1993 -
Vegetative tiller allometry and biomass relations in a field population of Festuca rubra s. s.PDF Abstract
Herben T., Krahulec F., Hadincová V., Kovářová M.
Preslia 65: 163–169, 1993