Volume 75, Issue 1
Pages: 1–91
Czech National Phytosociological Database: basic statistics of the available vegetation-plot dataPDF Abstract (Cited by 265 articles, WoS)
Chytrý M. & Rafajová M.
Preslia 75: 1–15, 2003 -
Cyperus eragrostis – a new alien species for the Czech flora and history of its invasion of Europe.PDF Abstract (Cited by 15 articles, WoS)
Petřík P.
Preslia 75: 17–28, 2003 -
Critical notes on Alchemilla species in the Bohemian Forest (Šumava Mts).PDF Abstract (Cited by 1 articles, WoS)
Havlíček P., Fröhner S. E. & Procházka F.
Preslia 75: 29–37, 2003 - PDF Abstract (Cited by 9 articles, WoS)
Estimating past distribution of vanishing weed vegetation in South MoraviaPDF Abstract (Cited by 23 articles, WoS)
Lososová Z.
Preslia 75: 71–79, 2003 -
Some information on the taxonomy and chorology of Minuartia kabylicaPDF Abstract (Cited by 1 articles, WoS)
Dvořáková M.
Preslia 75: 81–84, 2003 -
Pith characteristics distinguishing Vaccinium myrtillus from Vaccinium vitis-idaeaPDF Abstract
Stružková D., Schweingruber F. H. & Steiner Y.
Preslia 75: 85–91, 2003